Juan Antonio Pascual Aguilar
I am a Graduate in geography and history from the University of Valencia in 1991 and PhD in geography from the same University in 2002. Since obtaining the title of doctor I have done various types of work related to the management of resources, degradation of soils through due to anthropogenic sealing, spatial processes analysis of soil and water and the analysis of the land use dynamics with GIS techniques. Much of the scientific work that I have developed it has been done.since the year 2000 in the Research Center on desertification (Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación-CIDE)
At the Center I developed technical and scientific support tasks at the Department of Calidad ambiental y suelos (Environmental quality and soils) based on Desertification and restoration of Mediterranean ecosystems and Environmental forensics and landscape chemistry”. I am actively helping also in the scientific part, as evidenced by publications and presentations in congresses in recent years. Within the scientific activity carried out, I have participated in a total of 14 competitive research projects, 9 of them of national calls, two European grants and three calls from the autonomous administration.
I have also developed teaching activities of specialization including the delivery of seminars and conferences and teaching in Masters. I am currently a regular Lecturer in the Master’s degree in hydrology and management of natural resources of the University of Alcalá and the Master of Cultural heritage, identification, analysis and management of the University of Valencia. Teacher collaboration has enabled the co-direction of a doctoral thesis and the supervision of more than 25 works of Master
Recent most relevant publications
Authors: Andres-Costa, M.J., Pascual Aguilar, J.A., Andreu, V.y Picó, Y.
Title: Assessing drugs of abuse distribution in Turia River based on geographic information system and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry.
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volumen: 609 Pages, first: 360 last: 369 Year: 2017
Authors: Pascual Aguilar, J.A., Andreu, V., Campo, J., Picó, Y. y Masiá, A.
Title: Pesticide occurrence in the waters of Jucar River, Spain from different farming landscapes.
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volumen: 607 Pages, first: 752 last: 760 Year: 2017
Authors: Andreu, V., Gimeno-García, E.,Pascual Aguilar, J.A., Vázquez Roig, P. y Picó, Y.
Title: Presence of pharmaceuticals and heavy metals in the waters of a Mediterranean coastal wetland: Potential interactions and the influence of the environment.
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volumen: 540 Pages, first: 278 last: 286 Year: 2016
Authors: Pascual Aguilar, J.A., Andreu, V., Gimeno-García, E., y Picó, Y.
Title: Current anthropogenic pressures on agro-ecological protected wetlands.
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volumen: 503-504 Pages, first: 190 last: 199 Year: 2015
Authors: Pascual Aguilar, J.A., Andreu, V. Vázquez, P. y Picó, Y.
Title: Presence and spatial distribution of emerging contaminants (drugs of abuse) in protected agroecological systems (L’Albufera de Valencia Coastal Wetland, Spain)
Journal: Environmental Earth Sciences
Volumen: 71 Pages, first: 31 last: 37 Year: 2014
Authors: Fernández de Córdova, J. y Pascual Aguilar, J.A.
Title: Approaching water management at watershed scale using distributed water balances in the Yanuncay River basins (Ecuador).
Journal: Environmental Earth Sciences
Volumen: 71 Pages, first: 53 last: 60 Year: 2014
Authors: Pascual-Aguilar, J., Andreu, V. y Picó, Y.
Title: An environmental forensic procedure to analyse anthropogenic pressures of urban origin on surface water of protected coastal agro-environmental wetlands (L’Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, Spain).
Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials
Volumen: 263 Pages, first: 214 last: 223 Year: 2013